Harris Park is one of Lee's Summit's oldest parks, being donated to the city by certain citizens in 1918. It used to be used for the Jackson County Fair, but was no longer able to accommodate it.
According to May C. Howard, "The park has been named Harris Park, which is named for my grandfather, but it should not be named that because the people of Lee's Summit bought the park. But the grounds are still there; they have messed it up to the point that there isn't space enough for a fair now. It's too bad."
Location: 601 SW Jefferson St
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
This park is in the same park complex as (newer) Summit Waves, and the Harris Park Community Center. This is a pretty easy park to find as you can see the complex from 291 South.
Amenities: This is a nice large park - great for many things to do. There are actually two different playgrounds at Harris Park. The one I'll be mostly concentrating on is the older park that got relocated to behind Summit Waves. The other playground is right next to the Harris Park Community Center and is more modern, but less shade and space to run wild.
The playground that we're discussing today has two separate jungle gyms; one for ages 3-5 and another for the older children.
The playground also sports 2 infant swings and 4 regular swings - although today when we went only the infant swings were out, the regular swings were gone with orange fencing around them! At the moment, I don't know what the deal is with this - however, I plan on calling the Parks and Recreation to ask what the deal is. *Updated April 2011 - swings are back in order!*
There is also a climbing rock as well, however, the ground cover is wood chips which is not quite as forgiving when you fall - so bring Band-Aids if your kid decides to climb it!
The playground designed for the older kids is pretty awesome - it is a castle theme with turrets and slides all around which is perfect for your princes and princesses.
The younger kids playground has plenty of interesting ground items for the younger kids to be able to play with without having to climb up things. There is a mirror and pipes for them to yell through, as well as a few other things.
The seating situation works pretty well at this park. There are a couple of benches located around the playgrounds, but there is also ample room for blankets to be placed under the very mature and shady trees. This is actually a great park to go to in the summer due to the trees keeping the playground and green area shaded and cool at all times - you can find shade at this park at pretty much any time of day.
There is also a shelter very close to the playground, which works well for additional seating as well as picnics and gatherings. This shelter can be rented out at the Lee's Summit Parks and Recreation's website. I have actually seen weddings here as well - now I also had my kids there and it did make for interesting albeit awkward, "Stay away from the wedding!" moments quite a few times. But to each her own.
There is also a water fountain, and a very cool one at that. The water fountain is in the shape of a lion and is just great for the kids to climb and play on as well (and get wet in the process). I am super happy they decided not to get rid of the fountain when the redesigned the park to accommodate the new swimming pool - the kids love it.
There is plenty of parking here; I cannot foresee a reason that all of the parking would get taken up, but on nice, warm days (unlike today, *grumbles*) this park can get quite busy as it is very well known and loved by the people in the area. You may have to park a little further away than normal, but I can't see parking being a huge issue, as it hasn't been for me and I've been here numerous times.
The Results:
Pros: It is a seriously beautiful park with its mature trees, and the shade that comes with that is superb. I still suggest sunscreen, as always because there are some parts that are not in the shade. This park is picnic perfect as well, with plenty of places for a picnic blanket or the shelter.
The playgrounds and green area is more than enough to entertain your kids and keep them busy so you can read a book (for me, more like a couple of words here and there between "Moooom!" yellings).
Cons: There is a bathroom at this complex, however it is up closer to the community center and Summit Waves, so if there is an emergency... well, you better be quick. It's quite a hike to get there from the playground. Other than the lack of close bathrooms, the only other thing that I can think of is that some people may not like the wood chip wood cover - so shoes are required.
Updated April 2011:
Just updating some things, and adding some others! Last time we were here in 2010, there was some temporary fencing around the swings; I'm glad to add that this is no longer the case and the swings are back to normal! Celebrate!
I'm also adding the other park, the Harris Park Community Center Playground, to this blog entry, since they are in the same park system.
Location: 601 SW Jefferson St
Lee's Summit, MO 64063
This park is right next to the Harris Park Community Center (formerly Lee's Summit Recreation Center) and Summit Waves, and was built when they renovated the community center in 2008. Overall, as easy to find as the other playground at Harris.
There is also some structures for older children, including a web-climber and more modern jungle gym area (some of this stuff looks more like modern-art than playground equipment.
The ground cover for the playground area is wood-chips, so keep that in mind if you have a clumsy kid.
There are a few benches facing the playground, but neither they nor the playground is shaded.
You should be fine with parking, since it shares the parking lot with Summit Waves - if it is a particularly hot summer day and there are a lot of people at the pool, you may end up having to park further away, but you should always have somewhere to park.
Pros: I like the toddler playground here; my daughter particularly enjoyed the little picnic table underneath because she could get in and eat her snacks in the shade while still being on the playground. It does have plenty of seating, and some grass on the sides for a picnic blanket if you so desire. I really like that is has not one, but two bathrooms close at hand (not such a big deal since my daughter is out of diapers - but moms who have kids still in diapers or potty training can really appreciate that).
And you're supposed to be what exactly? |
Cons: Well, to start off - I (and by default, my kids) have no idea how to use some of this equipment. It may be a sign of problems when your kids have to ask you what "that" is, and what do I do with it? It doesn't really make you look too good in front of your kids to scratch your head and say, "Wow... I... really don't know?!". Not to say it doesn't look pretty... it does. Very pretty indeed.
There is also no shade here. There may be some in 10-20 years when the trees they planted in 2008 mature, but compared to the shade at the other playground, it comes up severely lacking. Bring sunscreen.
Overall: Skip the pretty sculptures and head down to the other playground. It has shade and equipment kids know how to use, instead of looking pretty. I think this is what most parents do, since mostly I only see the Camp Summit kids using this biding their time to get into Summit Waves. Other than that, I really don't see many people using this park when I'm there.
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